attitude adjustments, backyard visitors, birds, Florida wildlife, gardens, live and learn, nature, perseverance, photography, simple things


The hummingbird is still showing up every day, but only when I’m not prepared to take a picture. I can open the sliding glass door and pick up the camera just fine, but opening the door to the lanai will cause the ever-present doves to take off, and that’s enough to make the hummingbird zoom away. It may not be the biggest issue on my mind lately, but still…

The red belly seems to enjoy getting her treats from the birdie feeder.
And then she took off with her treat. But she returned again and again.

I can’t spend all day sitting with my camera waiting for the hummingbird, but I am in the kitchen and able to peek out the sliding glass doors off and on all day long, and that’s when I’ll spot him. I should just watch and enjoy him, and let him visit the flowers in peace…