adventure, attitude adjustments, birds, Close encounters, Cranes, Florida wildlife, Nature's beautiful creatures, Natures little dramas, perseverance, photography

Close encounters…

We see Sand Hill cranes often enough. Instead of seeing them in the neighborhood where you could stop to take a picture, they are along the sides of the much busier roads where we are zipping along at 50mph. And when I say they are along the sides of the roads I mean just feet from the road, but standing in the grass at the edge. And for some reason their mostly gray color doesn’t catch your eye until you find yourself noticing them when you are passing them by and only missing them by a few feet. But this encounter came about because we decided to drive past the Tampa rookery, just because it was on our way home. We saw no birds there, which we really weren’t expecting to see. But the lily pads that sometimes fill the little stream area where we stand to take pictures, were now filling all the water as far as the eye could see from that vantage point. I should have taken a couple of pictures.

So we left, driving the winding roads out of the neighborhood, and even though we weren’t going fast we still had to hit the brake hard as we came around a bend and found ourselves nearly on top of these two sand hill cranes. One side-stepped away from us and looked about as surprised as we felt. It was as close an encounter as I’d ever want to have. I wondered what they were saying to each other as they walked on.

a second look, attention to detail, attitude adjustments, in the neighborhood, Just do it, perseverance, photography, Rise and shine, sunrise

Watch your step…

Just me and the ducks this morning, but a hint of color with 20 minutes to go until sunrise.
The color started rising pretty quickly.
It seemed to be closing in.

This is a very nice suburban neighborhood, with houses packed pretty closely together, but the mature trees somehow provide a sense of breathing room. I wonder if they cleared this land 40 years ago or so when these houses were built, or did they keep some trees back then? The new developments that we pass in our travels just look like a sea of roofs. So close together that I wonder if the neighbors, if they happened to be walking down the side of their houses at the same time, would have to flatten themselves against their house and suck in their stomachs to side-step past each other? And they’ll pay $600,000 for the privilege.

But there is a danger in this lovely neighborhood. One that might trip you up, literally, when you walk out to see how the sunrise will be on any given morning. And you can blame it on those nice, mature trees that I was just raving about…

This is a picture of the sidewalk taken at toe-level, with my iPhone upside down resting on the concrete. You can thank the roots of those mature trees for these hazards up and down every street.

So watch your step or the thing that goes bump in the night might just be you!

a second look, attention to detail, attitude adjustments, backyard visitors, birds, black and white, Florida wildlife, in the neighborhood, life goes on, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, perseverance, photography

Resisting the rules…

I’ve always been one to take things personally, perpetually getting my feelings hurt, and probably unnecessarily for the most part at least. So when the Carolina wren stopped visiting the backyard I noticed, and told myself that she probably got a better offer at someone else’s feeder. Or she migrated. But I didn’t take it to heart. But whatever the reason, she is back. Wait, ‘it’ is back, here in Florida we are supposed to use only gender neutral pronouns. Of course I’m old now, no need to give a hoot about what’s the correct verbage. So she was sitting on the feeder with the light falling on her nicely, and I went in and picked up the camera. Then I had to get a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes, and off my face since I didn’t put sunscreen on. So many rules to follow these days…

She was taking advantage of a quiet moment out there. She was the only bird in view, so I took lots of pictures. The feeder was swaying a little bit, just enough to give me a not quite sharp image.
She did keep an eye on her surroundings however.
Finally she had had her fill. Looks like we will be heading back to the store for another cranberry cake, and woodpecker cylinder also.
Life imitates art.
Someone was playing hard to get.
The woodpecker cylinder is so popular that I’m not sure that Mrs. Red-Belly gets her fair share.
Actually Mrs. C was on my mind and first got me to think about picking up the camera. We replaced the hanging bird bath with a nicer one that we tucked on the ground and in among the plants, and the cardinal is the only bird we’ve seen take advantage of it. So now I’m wondering what I could add to it to make a better photo op.

Sitting outside was delightful this morning. Cool, even when the sun came up and crept into the lanai and started shining in my eyes. I suspect that summer will be back and I won’t have to wait long, but fall always was my favorite season. Even without leaves to crunch under my feet.

'scene' along the way, adventure, attitude adjustments, birds, exploring new places, fun, hockey, moon, perseverance, photography, sky, sunset

Go with the flow…

We were going to Clearwater to watch the University of Tampa vs. the University of Alabama play their hockey game. I lamented that the timing would mean that we couldn’t also get to see the sunset. But my guy suggested that I could just go outside on the parking lot and take some sunset pictures. Hmm, not a bad idea, I thought. But I didn’t find the composition I might have hoped for.

Nope, not the Clearwater sunset I imagined.
Clearly this great blue heron didn’t appreciate the attention.
Mirror, mirror…
The scene as seen by the iPhone.
I did begin to take some hockey photos, and then realized that I only had one card in the camera, a problem because we intended to return to the spot where we had attempted to take star trails and try again. Except the stars weren’t out, not there, and not when we got home.

I probably could have gotten a nice moon shot from home, but I did happen to be out at the perfect time so I’m not complaining. Finally some cooler weather, and not just inside the hockey rink.

a second look, attitude adjustments, Florida landmarks, live and learn, nothing's easy, perseverance, photography, technology, weather, ZooTampa

At the zoo…

I don’t know about you, but Simon and Garfunkel are now singing in a loop in my head…

They were sharing an enclosure, but the tortoise had to fend for himself for lunch.
It was hot, so everyone was just hanging around.
The orangutans that I ‘knew’ have moved on to a new zoo, and things were very quiet in the orangutan enclosure. Sad to say. I hope it was just the weather.
African spoonbills hiding in the shadows. Actually all the animals were deep in the shadows, but then we did that as much as possible also.
I liked this one’s red bill.
Here we have the liveliest creature of the day. He posed for us and started hopping around.
He was excited to show us his map.
This is a shoe billed heron, which I remember because it’s pretty obvious after you’ve been chasing birds around for a while.
This pea hen had the run of the aviary. She is probably the clean up crew.

It might not have been a successful visit to the zoo if not for the help of a lovely young woman named Brittany who works in the gift shop where they rent scooters. After we arrived we discovered that the scooter tires were nearly flat, but before we aborted our plan for the day I stopped at the gift shop where they have scooters for rent. I asked if they had a tire pump and they did. Not only did Brittany retrieve the pump for us, she pumped up the back tires and checked and topped off the front tire too. I thought she went above and beyond, and we so appreciated her help so that we could enjoy our morning. But boy was it hot. It only said 82 when we got in the car to go home, but it felt a lot hotter than that. Thank goodness for the shade in the zoo, for the animals and for the visitors too…

attitude adjustments, backyard visitors, birds, Florida wildlife, in the neighborhood, life goes on, perseverance, photography

Hanging in there…

More hanging around the house actually…

This male red-bellied woodpecker was a treat to see drop by. I hardly ever spot him.
Then this male cardinal made me think I’d have a whole post of just the misters!
If there is a way to tell the titmice apart I haven’t figured it out yet, so there went that idea.
I do know how to tell the downey’s apart, but I can’t tell from this picture. I suspect it’s a female.
Doves really annoy me. They park themselves in the Bird Buddy and don’t move. Except to eat and eat. Other birds drop by and grab a seed and leave, often too quickly to even get my camera up to my face. So you’d think I wouldn’t take their picture, but those doves also pose very nicely.

The weatherman said cooler weather is coming the end of the week. That sounds nice, we’ve been cooped up by one thing or another for too long. So a light at the end of the tunnel would be very welcome!