'scene' along the way, a second look, adventure, connections, family, Florida, Florida landmarks, friends, making memories, perseverance, photography, road trip, sunset, travel

Catching up…

Sometimes you get to catch up with a friend and also catch up on some sunset and sunrise photos all in the same visit. This visit was to John’s Pass, an overnight visit with no long drive home hanging over our heads and the hope of a nice sunrise before taking that long drive home the next day.

This was our view as we enjoyed the breeze and the food at Bubba Gump’s.
Do you see that dolphin fin? I got up to grab a shot in-between sips of beer.
Forrest had to dash away.
Sunset colors starting showing up and we decided that we’d better head out for a view.
Great blues in the surf was a new one on me.
There were just too many distractions, but the sunset color on the cement of this bridge abutment reminded us to keep moving.
Yay, we hadn’t totally missed it. But let’s stop and grab a shot.
I loved this composition, but I had to edit out some people to get it.
And then the sun was swallowed up, and this early bird was ready to call it a day.
'scene' along the way, a second look, adventure, brainstorms, bucket list, dolphins, family, Florida landmarks, Florida wildlife, friends, fun, Just do it, making memories, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, perseverance, photography, Rise and shine, road trip, technology, timing is everything, unintended images

Dolphin photobomb!

The trip to John’s Pass was a spur of the moment decision, with little expectation except a chance to catch up with a friend, but with sunset and sunrise as possible photo ops at the same time. We sat on the balcony overlooking the boardwalk, on a beautiful breezy afternoon, drinking beer and enjoying apps at Bubba Gumps. Staying in the hotel right there on the boardwalk was an essential part of the plan, so that the drinking could be enjoyed with no long drive home, and the sunrise would be right outside the door in the morning also. The dolphin’s were a bonus. I hadn’t seen them at John’s Pass before, and I couldn’t resist focusing my camera on the water and waiting, all the while expecting a fin to pop up, but I got more than I expected.

This was more of a photobomb than anything else. I was only looking for a fin, and then this dolphin leaped into the air almost in the focal point of the viewfinder, but close enough for a decent picture.
I decided that even if the sunset wasn’t great I was going to be happy with the trip because this sort of a picture doesn’t happen nearly often enough.

We were so busy watching for dolphins that we thought we’d dithered too long to catch the sunset, but I wouldn’t have minded that after seeing this dolphin.

adventure, attention to detail, backyard visitors, birds, fences, Florida wildlife, gardens, in the neighborhood, lizards, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, perseverance, photography


You may not think so at first glance, but that lizard in the feature photo is a real daredevil. He took his own sweet time walking along the fence, stopping to puff out his neck and impress any females that happened to be paying attention. This female, however, wasn’t especially impressed. But by being on that fence I’m sure that the hawk that had just stopped by could easily spot him and then what would he do? He tested the limits of my zoom lens.

Yesterday we sat out on the lanai visiting with college friends after having lunch in a nearby restaurant. For once we had a six-minute drive home, it was great. The birds provided the entertainment while we enjoyed our drinks, but then it was time for our friends to set off for their 90 minute drive home…

I was delighted when the red wing blackbirds first showed up in the yard last year, but when they came back in large numbers this year and were emptying the feeders regularly they weren’t so delightful. But their name comes from the Greek, agelaius, meaning belonging to a flock, so I guess they come by it naturally. Lately we are seeing them one at a time, I confess that makes me happy.
This may or may not be the culprit who chewed a hole in the screen after I left a chunk of the woodpecker cylinder on the lanai. I removed the temptation and we patched the screen, but somebody chewed another hole in the screen just to make sure it was really gone.
It was getting later in the day when the brown thrasher emerged from the bougainvillea and hopped around on the ground looking for tasty treats.
Maybe Mrs. Cardinal saw fit to toss him a tidbit or two.
Mr. Red Belly opted for a grab-and-go snack this time.
This Carolina wren stopped by for a drink while we were enjoying drinks of our own while we chatted.
Female cardinals used to be the most common birds we saw out back and I used to wonder why I was taking yet another picture of one. But the males were always fewer in number, and I’ll never get tired of seeing them.

If the hummingbirds would have shown up it would have been perfect. But I’ll keep watching for them.

adventure, attitude adjustments, blessings, connections, exploring new places, friends, perseverance, photography, road trip, Uncategorized

On Top Of The World…

We spent the weekend visiting with friends in Ocala, where they took us on a tour of the lovely community of On Top Of The World. Not only pretty scenery to look at, but classes galore to choose from should you be so inclined. It has us thinking…

Ocala is horse country you know.
What a nice view!
This park was a nice place for a walk. We should have brought lunch to enjoy.
We didn’t expect a mnesting pair of great blues to put on a show for us.
There we were with our noses pressed up against the window of the model train club’s window when the member who painted the scenery let us in to see the display, even though it wasn’t an actual visiting day.
As a fireman’s daughter I found this part of the display especially fun. When the trains are running, said our host, smoke rises from the ‘fire’.
Our last stop was to see the remote control airplane event that just so happened to be on the menu on Saturday.

I didn’t expect to be taking pictures so I didn’t have my camera with me. I won’t make that mistake again. Thank goodness for the trusty iPhone. Traffic going north on 75 was crazy on Friday afternoon, probably with snowbirds heading home, plus photographers heading north for the eclipse, and an hour faster going home. We had such a nice visit!

a second look, adventure, attention to detail, attitude adjustments, birds, bluebirds, Close encounters, exploring new places, Florida wildlife, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, perseverance, photography

New birds and bluebirds, again…

Yes, there is a bluebird area at the Celery Fields. And no, we hadn’t ever noticed it before. Possibly because the blue birds weren’t visiting at that moment, but there was a group of photographers there taking pictures, which is always a sign that you need to take a closer look. I’m sad to say that we haven’t seen the bluebirds at our feeders for a few days now.

I neglected to take a picture of the bluebird house.
The trees and feeders were full of Nanday Parakeets when we got to the Audubon area that we’ve visited in the past. They are native to South America, but captive birds have gotten loose and established colonies in several states, Florida being one of them.
We had seen them at Ft. DeSoto, but high up in the trees. They were so close that my long lens was too much and most of my shots missed the tip of their tails.
Between the Nandays and the blackbirds it was very busy at the feeders.
This appears to be a female yellow-headed blackbird, a variety I’d never seen before.
And it seems as if everyone there is hoping to see the painted buntings. This one was hanging around the area but staying mostly deep in the shrubbery. People said it was too busy for them. I was lucky to get a shot because he only stuck around for a few seconds at a time.

Between visiting with friends and having such good luck with our photo ops we have had a very nice few days. I don’t know what might come next, but we’ll think of something…

a second look, adventure, attention to detail, attitude adjustments, birds, Florida wildlife, fun, life goes on, moments, nature, perseverance, photography

Painted Buntings…

We were off to see the painted buntings yesterday. Lately one of the hot spots to see them has been the Celery Fields, so that’s where we headed. I think it would also have been nice of these pretty birds to stop in the shrubbery so that all my pictures didn’t have the cage feeders in them, but you take what you can get.

This is the only photo I got that was basically/almost out of the cage. It shows all the amazing colors of the males.
What could be better than finding the bunting you hoped to see? Why, finding two of them of course.
We don’t want to neglect the female painted buntings. There is so much green behind her that it’s not easy to see her ‘pistachio’ coloring.
It was ladies only on the feeder for a moment. Our bunting’s color shows better, and she is sharing space with a female redwing blackbird.
Here are those colors again. Just amazing.

So we spent our first anniversary doing what we like to do best, taking pictures. Not all photography expeditions turn out the way you hoped, but this one did. And life seems to be turning out even better than I hoped too…