attention to detail, attitude adjustments, blessings, Florida landmarks, friends, fun, life goes on, making memories, perseverance, photography, strangers become friends, timing is everything, unintended consequences

Our last race track photo shoot…

Yesterday was the last of the Tampa Bay Downs photo shoots of the season, which ends right after the Kentucky Derby. Except for one weekend in July it will start up again in the fall. It was going to be HOT, and I wasn’t too enthused about going at all until Bernie said that he’d like to shoot from the grandstand and that sounded like an excellent idea. Standing trackside doesn’t give me a good angle to shoot, but the grandstand makes for a better angle and has huge fans to keep you cool. Walking out onto the balcony is still shaded and is a good option too.

I had my eyes open for shots of the people that were there also, but I think this kid would have caught my eye even if I hadn’t thought about it ahead of time. My son always toted a toy with him wherever we went and I thought for a second that this kid had brought a toy horse with him. Maybe this dinosaur goes everywhere with him. Note the horse ‘tattoo’ on his arm.
I thought that the babies in this group might make cute photos, and then the trainer brought over #8 to say hello.
I had already noticed the gray horse as they led the horses out for this first race of the day. I kind of wanted the gray one to win, but if not him then maybe #8 who had stopped to see the kids.
I wasn’t at the perfect spot to get a shot of the photo finish which had the horse in the center nosing out the other two horses. #4 was third.
I thought I could cheat and tell you that the gray horse won after all, but those with sharp eyes would probably notice all the dirt in the air and catch me in a fib.
When they moved the gates into position for the next race I thought it would be interesting to get a few shots of them loading up the horses. Number 6 was having no parts of getting into the gate however. AI got rid of a huge, bright red tractor that was center stage in the shot.
I always have to try to get the horses as they come right at you out of the last turn and into the home stretch. #6 is on the left, and, sadly, he didn’t win the race either.
The third race was a turf race so we like to get a shot of them coming down the chute. When I looked at the pictures in the computer I saw that a sea gull appeared to be racing with them, but they were gaining on him.

Thank goodness pollen season is nearly over, or so said the ophthalmologist the other day. My eyes were itchy and dripping so we left after this race. Lately we have been the only ones from the photo group who have shown up for the once a month trip to the races. I went to one just after I joined the group in 2017, and I was surprised to meet another member who also had grown up in Brockton, MA. Life happened in the meantime, and we are now the 5th couple who have met by joining the group. Funny how life turns out sometimes.

adventure, attitude adjustments, blessings, connections, exploring new places, friends, perseverance, photography, road trip, Uncategorized

On Top Of The World…

We spent the weekend visiting with friends in Ocala, where they took us on a tour of the lovely community of On Top Of The World. Not only pretty scenery to look at, but classes galore to choose from should you be so inclined. It has us thinking…

Ocala is horse country you know.
What a nice view!
This park was a nice place for a walk. We should have brought lunch to enjoy.
We didn’t expect a mnesting pair of great blues to put on a show for us.
There we were with our noses pressed up against the window of the model train club’s window when the member who painted the scenery let us in to see the display, even though it wasn’t an actual visiting day.
As a fireman’s daughter I found this part of the display especially fun. When the trains are running, said our host, smoke rises from the ‘fire’.
Our last stop was to see the remote control airplane event that just so happened to be on the menu on Saturday.

I didn’t expect to be taking pictures so I didn’t have my camera with me. I won’t make that mistake again. Thank goodness for the trusty iPhone. Traffic going north on 75 was crazy on Friday afternoon, probably with snowbirds heading home, plus photographers heading north for the eclipse, and an hour faster going home. We had such a nice visit!

backyard visitors, birds, blessings, brainstorms, Florida wildlife, fun, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, Passing time, perseverance, photography

Not complaining…

Wasn’t that me complaining about the doves not too long ago? There were too many of them, four or five at a time, and they just sat in the bird buddy and stuffed themselves. Plus they pooped. I blamed all the poop I saw out there on the doves because they are around all the time. Then the red-wing blackbirds showed up, and my whole opinion of how many birds it takes to be too many of the same kind of bird had a re-think. So the doves are back in my good graces again, but mostly because they are cute and they do strike a pose now and then.

I believe that I also got tired of ‘postcards’ of Cardinals from the Bird Buddy. When I first got it and was anticipating getting photos from it I couldn’t help but wish for another bird once in a while. Be careful what you wish for, or so they say. I see a cardinal or two daily, but not as often as before.
If the yellow-romped warbler shows me his rump then there can be no doubt what bird I’m looking at. I could swear that that yellow spot glows sometimes. You can’t miss it.
The camera has trouble finding focus when the bougainvillea is as full of flowers as it is right now.
This Carolina chickadee stopped long enough to get a shot. Maybe he is bringing back a treat for someone back on the nest?
And the kites were out at happy hour again. That view is the same in all my pictures. It’s as if they don’t ever flap their wings, they just soar.
The little downey woodpecker always stops on the pole first. In case it’s a tree maybe?
Mr. Red-belly seemed to appreciate a new cylinder out there after the last one was reduced to crumbs.
The last time I was around a lot of photographers I became aware of how much noise my camera makes while I’m shooting. And it’s not one shot, it’s a burst of shots at a time. You can turn the sound off, but when I do that I forget that I’m pressing the shutter and take way more pictures than I meant to. I had just had the thought that the camera sounds like a machine gun when the squirrel struck this pose. I think he agreed with me.

I have brainstorms regularly, but not many of them have turned out as well as putting the feeders out back has done. Yes, I take lots of pictures, but sometimes I just sit there and watch them, and listen to their songs.

backyard visitors, bees, birds, blessings, bluebirds, Florida wildlife, fun, nature, perseverance, photography

The birds and the bees…

We have seen a different bird out at the feeders a few times. We suspect it’s a gray catbird, but by the time I get my camera out it has moved on. But things stay pretty busy out there, so we are quite entertained while we sit outside on the lanai in the perfect weather we have had lately. And if there is a pause in the feathered visitors then there are always bees to chase around.

I bought this birdie feeder because I thought it was cute, but I’m not sure that I expected the birds to pay attention to it. It’s a nice photo prop, which is another reason I bought it.
I have been surprised, and delighted, by the variety of birds that stop by. I confess I never expected blue birds.
There are lots of flowers this bee could stop at, but they all were choosing this part of the plant to visit.
A yellow-throated warbler stopped by, we’d only seen one once before.
If you try to take a picture of the tufted titmouse this is usually what you get.
Mrs. Red-wing stopped at the bird bath for a drink.
Our yellow throated friend had had enough and moved on.

The vastly overgrown bougainvillea in the corner of the yard is probably why our feeders stay so busy. I don’t know if the birds nest in there, but they certainly spend the day flying in and out of it. We are lucky that the builders left so many trees in place when they built this development 20-something years ago. The building continues, and they mostly level the land and build the houses almost on top of each other. It’s sad to see, and from what I hear it’s taking place everywhere….

a second look, attitude adjustments, blessings, Christmas on the brain, connections, coping, family, finding my way, fun, growing old, healing, let it go, life, life goes on, making memories, nothing's easy, perseverance, photography, simple things

Remembering my mother…

We made angel ornaments together, my mother and I. She came to visit at Thanksgiving and stayed until Christmas. It was my idea, but when I suggested it I was kidding. My daughter and family, which included her first great-grandchild, would also be visiting for both holidays that year, so it was going to be especially fun. When my mother called back a few days later and said that yes, she would come and stay, I had my doubts. Our relationship had never been an easy one and that was a lot of time to fill. But together we visited many Christmas venues, searching for the right homemade ornament to copy, always an angel, and when we found it we would buy one. Then while I was at work all day my mother would deconstruct the ornament and make a pattern for us to follow. We shopped for fabrics and trims, and laughed at the kitty who would sit on the table and watch us sewing with a frown on her face. It turned out to be the most enjoyable visit ever, which is why she did it several more years in a row. I’m grateful for these memories, so glad my mother and I found our way together.

An earring tree from Hobby Lobby, all decked out for Christmas with buttons as frames for pictures of her great-grandchildren, and a battery powered necklace with Christmas lights that would twinkle.

Eventually my mother had to go into a nursing home and my sister and I would try to think up a way to create a ‘tree’ for her room every Christmas. This was one of them, and after she died I took this one home with me. I had to buy a new string of lights for it this year. It brings back good memories as it sits, twinkling on my desk, all these years later.

attention to detail, attitude adjustments, birds, blessings, finding my way, Florida wildlife, fun, Just do it, nature, perseverance, photography, Rise and shine, sunrise, Up and at 'em

Sunday morning…

I love the time change. From what I see online I may be the only one…

Some quackers at breakfast time…
The color was low, behind the houses enough that I stood on the bench for some of my pictures.
Here come the birds.
You know the Morgan and Morgan ad with Miss Moore? Well that’s me in the morning, I always want more color.
But then the color softens, and another day dawns.

I wish you all a good Sunday morning…