changing times, Florida wildlife, following the rules, leap of faith, losing it, nature, on closer examination, perseverance, photography, sunset

Back to the beaches…

Florida’s beaches have been reopened, and that makes me happy because a quick trip to Green Key Beach for the sunset was easy enough to do.  But I have this nagging feeling of guilt for being ready to get back to normal.  Several of my closest friends are very concerned about a rush to normalcy, and with very good reason.  Boredom on my part doesn’t seem like much of a counterpoint to their worries.  But I went to the beach anyhow, and the closest I came to anyone was this night heron.  I don’t know who was more surprised, him or me.05-15-20nightheron

These birds are usually hard to see in the shrubbery, not standing beside you all of a sudden after you went back to the car for bug spray.  I had walked to the farthest end of the beach where it meets shrubbery to get this shot and then retreated for bug spray. 05-15-20sunset2Between high tide and the landscaping that has been done to this beach in the last year positioning yourself for a nice angle on the sunset was a challenge.  The no-see-ums didn’t seem to be phased by my bug spray, and people were clustered closer together to watch the sunset at the other end of the beach, so I headed for home as soon as the sun disappeared.  Somehow the days pass…05-15-20sunset305-15-20sunset

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