a second look, alligators, attention to detail, birds, facing facts, Florida landmarks, Florida wildlife, live and learn, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, perseverance, photography


It was another eagle-eyed photographer who pointed out the little alligator lurking in the weeds at the edge of the water at the rookery. A baby alligator, which implies that a mommy alligator must also reside in there, the thought of which hadn’t ever crossed my mind before this visit.

We ask a lot of our cameras and lenses these days. We aim into the shrubbery and ask them to focus on the subject, and they do. Cameras these days will lock onto eyes once they find them. These three tricolor heron youngsters are still on the nest, still calling for their mother to bring food, even though they are getting big.
Night herons are hard to spot, unless you are lucky enough to see them fly in and land.
Just the second nest of egret chicks I’ve spotted at the rookery. We can hear the babies, but the nests don’t happen to be located well for us to see them.
This must be what mamma sees when she arrives back at the nest.
This is the first picture I took that day. I was excited to finally see a wood stork baby. But it didn’t keep its head up for very long, and the foliage was waving around in front of the nest, so this is the only shot of it that I got.

Technology, I’m a fan. But I barely use the capabilities of the camera I already own, so I don’t spent much time wishing for newer, better equipment. If I would put my mind to it I would probably be amazed at what else my camera can do, but once I’m out there ready to take pictures I forget about everything and just have fun. And that is really the point, isn’t it?