perseverance, photography, technology, the big picture, unintended images, weather


The only living things that are appreciating Tropical Storm Alberto right now are the weeds that live in everyone’s yard.  They are growing like, well, weeds.  Last time this happened I had to hire landscapers to tame the jungle that had grown up when I wasn’t paying attention.  In the grand scheme of things complaining about the rain is rather pathetic.  It’ll stop sometime.

I took the opportunity to take some night photos the other night because the rain had stopped for a little while, and I really wanted to get out of the house.  I thought I’d ride through Brooksville and see if I could spot some nicely lit up buildings, but I hadn’t gotten very far up the road at all when Chulas lights caught my eye.  And in Brooksville I was surprised to see how pretty the courthouse looked all lit up.  It wasn’t the sort of photo I was going for, but that happens a lot of the time.  It would have been easier to stay home, but sometimes you just need to get out, if only for a little while.5-27chulas35-27chulas25-27courthouse35-27courthouse5-27courthouse2