blessings, family, friends, nature, on closer examination, photography, simple things, travel, weather

Merry Christmas…

I really have been dreaming of a white Christmas, and I was greeted with one this morning, with more snow expected later on.  This trip has me reconnecting with friends and relatives that I haven’t seen in years, and that it’s happening at Christmas is a happy coincidence.  I hope everyone’s heart is as full as mine is right now.  I wish all the blessings of Christmas for each one of you.

And a photo or two for my nature photography friends back ‘home’.  Home being the name for where ever I’m not I guess…12-Christmasfrostedmoss12-Christmas12-Christmas212-Christmas3

Note to self, take the tripod out with you for macro photography…

12 thoughts on “Merry Christmas…”

    1. I’ve been living in FL for 12 or so years now and hadn’t visited my native New England in the winter, well, ever. So snow was a novelty, however briefly it hung around. thanks for visiting… and I’ve just read your ‘Blogging, pleasure and pain but I don’t see a comment section. I completely agree with everything you said. I kept telling myself that I had to get out there for pictures, and it had become a chore since I had posted every day for over a year and the streak became paramount in my day. In order to think, which allowed me to make the decision to blow up my life, I quit the blog. Once the decision was made I found myself fighting back the urge to write some more. Now I allow myself to skip a day here and there and the world doesn’t stop turning. What bothered me while I wasn’t writing was that I was still gaining followers even when there was nothing to follow. But I think they are what kept the door open for me. Thanks again for you comments.

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  1. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to post such a lovely reply, especially as I don’t activate my Comment section. I’m so glad you enjoyed my blog post. I think our writing experiences are similar, but you are a better photographer. Blogging is a wonderful outlet, completely and utterly our own. Happy days!

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    1. I joined a photography club, for the social aspect really, but to learn how to use my camera and the editing aspects too. It has made a difference in my life, and all for the better. Being a snowbird I don’t have to give up my new photography friends, so it’s the best of all worlds. But I am a rosy glasses sort of person and I only left FL 2 weeks ago. I hope my happy little glow lasts!

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  2. Sounds good to me! I’m sure your positive attitude will attract positive things. My camera needs repair and currently I am using my phone which is quick and handy but not sharp quality. I look forward to following your adventures 🙂

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    1. I had a 35mm camera years ago when the grandchildren were little, but I never took photos other than photos of them. It was an expensive hobby when you had to have film developed. And disappointing to take roll after roll of film and only have three or four really good pictures after all that. Digital is a different story all together. But I started by taking the iPhone Academy online classes, because the camera in the phones these days are fantastic. I didn’t get a ‘real’ camera until I started wanting to take close up images of the birds, which are so abundant this time of year in FL. And the Canon camera I bought was a kit, and it’s a ‘starter’ camera, but I’m getting pictures that make me happy and still learning. And the editing makes a huge difference too. It’s evolving. But at this point it’s the photographer that needs work rather than buying a more expensive camera. Now that I have time to work on it I will have no excuses.

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  3. We certainly have seen big changes in photography, haven’t we. I often say it’s science fiction come to life and there’s a mirrorless camera version now. As you said, we have so much more control over our photography. I’ve always been a Canon fan, editing size, colour, additions, filters, touch-up, etc. I often revert to B&W because it has such a stark contrast to all the post-editing done these days. I agree, experience is more valuable than the cost of the camera and those birds and their plumage are waiting!

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