a second look, attention to detail, attitude adjustments, backyard visitors, birds, blessings, bucket list, Close encounters, Florida wildlife, nature, Nature's beautiful creatures, perseverance, photography, Rise and shine, Roseate Spoonbills, sunrise

All that’s pink…

My weather app said that there was an 88% chance of a nice sunrise in my area this morning. That was enough of an unusual situation that it got me out the door a little after 6 AM, and yes, there was some nice pink color in the sky. I was happy. I went home and looked at the pictures I’d taken on my iPhone and thought, ‘Wow, that ibis looks so pink.’ Too pink. Could it be that I was taking pictures of the sand hill cranes and ignoring a spoonie right there with them? I couldn’t be that oblivious, or could I?

Reflected sunrise color I wondered?
The answer to that question is yes, I could be that oblivious.

I picked up my camera and went back out, and sure enough there really was a spoonie right in the neighborhood pond. It was busy foraging and seemed quite content. I sat myself down in the grass and took 451 pictures by the time I was done. Yes, the app was right, it was a good morning to be out for the sunrise.

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