'scene' along the way, photography, road trip, sky, strangers, sunrise

Veteran’s Park beach…

I spotted Veteran’s Park beach the other day, but my goal that day was to find a west facing spot for the sunset so I continued on to Kalmus beach.  And was treated to a really colorful sunset.  But Veteran’s Park beach had been on my mind ever since, and yesterday I finally got there just in time to see a ferry leaving, all lit up in the pitch black dark.  I hadn’t gotten the cameras out yet, but I was excited about what I’d see.  And then I waited.  The light got pretty, no red color, but that blue hour light is nice all on it’s own.  Then another car pulled into the parking area and the driver never got out, but he rolled down his window and said that he comes there every day to take pictures of the sunrise.  I asked where the sunrise was that day and he said not to worry, it will show up.  But it didn’t.  He gave up on it before I did.  But there is always tomorrow.  Except tomorrow is today and I think I’m going to pour another cup of coffee and sit here in the dark and quiet a little longer…1-14-19veterans11-14-19veterans31-14-19veterans5