'scene' along the way, a second look, finding my way, friends, go with the flow, life goes on, moments, old dogs new tricks, photography, road trip, sunrise, sunset, travel

That camping bug…

It seems the camping bug has hit a lot more people than I would have thought.  That it’s been a daydream of mine for a very long time made me an odd ball, or so I thought.  But ever since I bought my little camper, actually not so little, and fessed up on Facebook, I’ve heard from a lot of people on the subject.  I was surprised to discover that lots of them had campers of their own.  There was much enthusiasm. I’ve had offers of advice, of being co-campers, and of places to go.  And yesterday there was a box on the stoop with this assortment of camper accessories for me, from my daughter who thinks a mother/daughter trip is in order.  How cute is that?  And just when it dawned on me that I have a new little house to decorate.  I love a project…

It seems to me that I’m homesick for wherever I’m not.  Florida is beautiful, and with the camper I’ll be exploring more of those warm winter locations, provided I get my snowbird seasons figured out.  But with so many places to see, people to meet, and sunsets to enjoy, the road is calling me…01-25-19theopenroad01-25-19vistas01-25-19racepointsunset