'scene' along the way, finding my way, live and learn, on closer examination, perseverance, photography, road trip, sunrise, unintended images

The Cape Cod Light…

It only seemed sensible to head toward Provincetown from the Nauset Light.  I was probably half way there after all.  But imagine my surprise when I saw a sign directing me to take a right turn to see the Cape Cod Light.  I decided I couldn’t miss such a conveniently placed surprise photo op, so off we went. We being Ozzie and me.  I was disappointed to not have gotten more lighthouse photos when I was here over the summer, so I’m glad I finally saw a few today.  Of course  I imagined them with a wonderful sunrise or sunset sky behind them, but I guess you can’t have everything.  And besides, that’s what keeps you/me coming back…01-28-19capecodlight01-28-19cclight01-28-19cclight3