finding my way, friends, fun, life goes on, on closer examination, perseverance, photography, technology, unintended images

Ghostly images…

Several years ago a neighbor happened to make a Facebook post about a photography class, Photographing Birds, that was being offered at a wildlife preserve nearby.  I was off that day, and the class started at 10 AM so I had plenty of time to get there, so in that way the timing was good, but the timing was also good for me personally.  After three years of being a bit of a hermit after Charley died I guess I had realized that life was going to go on after all, and as a long-term strategy being a hermit probably wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had.  I believe that it was just the four of us at that class, plus the teacher, and we have stuck together ever since.  Is it photography that stuck us together?  Because we could not be coming to this hobby/obsession from more different personal angles, but yet here we are.  So while I was away my friends had discovered a photography group that is based a lot closer than our St. Pete group, which we still love and participate in, but easy access is easy access.  So I tagged along to a class last night and enjoyed it a lot.  The leader, Carolyn, is a forensic photographer, so as she was explaining the settings on the camera, etc., the frame of reference she would use as examples might be to include everything you were seeing in the scene you were photographing, such as the body, the murder weapon, the blood spatter, etc. and the settings you need to accomplish that.  A very different point of view to say the least.

I don’t think that this particular technique was related to her work per se, just a fun exercise in what your camera can do.  To use a gauzy flowing drape is an obvious choice of prop for these pictures, and those were the pictures I was liking as I looked at the images in the camera.  Then I got home and was tired, and I didn’t like the images at all.  But this morning, with a cup of coffee, I liked them more.  And really liked the images without the flowing robe also.  03-12-ghostlybetty03-12-ghostlycarolyn03-12-ghostlycarolyn2  Now to think of a way to use the technique.  Someone suggested shooting in a graveyard and having a ghost rising out of a grave.  Now that has potential…